- I want to start a girls fellowship group at my school. At first I felt called to start it specifically for freshman girls because I remember being a freshmen and feeling kind of lost, it would have made a huge difference to be a part of a girls group to help lead me. But I'm going to make it open for any girl at Chapman whether she's a freshman or senior. I think it'd be cool to do our meetings at the beach because I personally feel uplifted when I go to the beach- it's beautiful, peaceful, and makes me feel spiritually open. So coffee and the beach sounds good to me :)
- Last year I busted my butt to get somewhere with acting- my goal was to get signed with an agent which I did last spring to my surprise. I almost thought it wouldn't be possible, but once I allowed God to be a part of this passion and I was open to whether it was going to be a part of my life or not, things seemed to fall into place and doors were opening. It's funny how once you don't put as much pressure on yourself, your goals becomes attainable. Now I'm supposed to start going on commercial auditions then hopefully tv and film shortly after. Entertainment is something I love doing, and it's become so pivotal in our world today, that I know if it's a part of God's plan to place me there, wonderful things will come of that.
- I want to experience new things! Go somewhere new every weekend, explore what's out there. And not just keep it local but try to make plans to travel every year. I want to see the world.
- Volunteer somewhere. I want to help others and get involved.
And lastly, I'm following through with this thing called Seek Week that Rock Harbor is having it's members do. So here's for today:
Bible verse Psalm 100
5 things I'm thankful for...
1. My family, I'm thankful that my family is so loving and supportive, I couldn't get along without them.
2. My education, I'm thankful that I have the means to go to a school like Chapman University and get the chance to pursue my passions.
3. My friends, I'm thankful that I have friends who have led me, influenced me for the better, and are so much fun to spend time with.
4. The place I live, California is a fun and exciting place to be, and when I'm living home in Washington I experience beauty and nature everyday.
5. Art. I'm thankful for music and dance, if I didn't dance and sing everyday I don't know how I'd express myself.
Love it! Thanks for sharing these thoughts.
ReplyDelete"Give us life again, Cause we just wanna be whole."
That song is so beautiful. Perfect title for this post :)
Wow! Thanks, I'm impressed you knew what song I was referencing!! :)