One of my favorite devotionals I ever did:
A week ago I was doing a daily devotional and the reading for the day was Revelations 10-14. Out of what I read, verse 10 spoke to me the most: “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” Sometimes when I do devotionals I feel such a strong sense of understanding from what I just read, but have a hard time putting it into words right away. I’ve been thinking about it more and I realize I strongly connect with this verse because it’s what’s on my heart right now. I heard the phrase recently, “In the end, the only thing you ever own is your story. I’m just trying to make mine a good one” –Australia. It makes you analyze your life so far, what you have to tell, and what
you want for your future. I’ve had my fair share of significant experiences, good and bad… and I’m thankful for what story I’ve developed so far because it’s allowed me to connect with more people who have their own stories to share. Those who don’t have a story or a testimony to share aren’t as available to be used for God’s good. By telling your story, you can affect someone else’s story. By sharing your life, you can change a life.
The second line in that verse, “they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death”, makes me think of one of my favorite quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “always do what you are afraid to do”. Usually the things we fear the most have the biggest reward and when you hold on to your way of life too much and try to protect it and keep it safe by all means, the real meaning and value is lost. It scares me to think that I could end up the same as another person… have the same life. It would make me question “why am I here if I’m the same as that other girl?”. There is a unique purpose
The second line in that verse, “they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death”, makes me think of one of my favorite quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “always do what you are afraid to do”. Usually the things we fear the most have the biggest reward and when you hold on to your way of life too much and try to protect it and keep it safe by all means, the real meaning and value is lost. It scares me to think that I could end up the same as another person… have the same life. It would make me question “why am I here if I’m the same as that other girl?”. There is a unique purpose
for each individual and you’ll never discover yours unless you let go and go find it.
I do not want to love my life so much as to shrink from doing what I believe is right, going to places unknown to me, asking for forgiveness, saying how much I care, and other risks. If there is a chance of getting hurt or disappointed, there is also a chance of reward, joy, and appreciation. Either way, you just have another piece of your story/testimony to add. “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” Romans 5:3-4.
This life isn’t forever, it’s too short to not say what you mean to say and do what you’ve dreamed of doing. I want to do wonders, witness miracles, see the world, love and be loved…leave a footprint in the sand. I hope you do too.
I do not want to love my life so much as to shrink from doing what I believe is right, going to places unknown to me, asking for forgiveness, saying how much I care, and other risks. If there is a chance of getting hurt or disappointed, there is also a chance of reward, joy, and appreciation. Either way, you just have another piece of your story/testimony to add. “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” Romans 5:3-4.
This life isn’t forever, it’s too short to not say what you mean to say and do what you’ve dreamed of doing. I want to do wonders, witness miracles, see the world, love and be loved…leave a footprint in the sand. I hope you do too.

A poem I wrote awhile back...
Ever Thine
Morning light and bird songs
Sparkling curls across your arm
Sand between our toes and only sweet sounds
Rushing and racing, laughing and chasing
Carry me away
For I am ever thine
Full of color then bare
Quiet and still
A gust of pumpkin spice and the chills
Studying the lines of your face by candlelight
A graze of my cheek, a touch of your lips
To be held safe under blankets of warmth
I whisper ever thine
From the rooftops there was white snow
Breathtakingly pure
Colored lights on gingerbread houses
Beautiful Christmas melodies
Sleigh bells ring, the love that mistletoe brings
Celebrating our King of Kings
Sparkling curls across your arm
Sand between our toes and only sweet sounds
Rushing and racing, laughing and chasing
Carry me away
For I am ever thine
Full of color then bare
Quiet and still
A gust of pumpkin spice and the chills
Studying the lines of your face by candlelight
A graze of my cheek, a touch of your lips
To be held safe under blankets of warmth
I whisper ever thine
From the rooftops there was white snow
Breathtakingly pure
Colored lights on gingerbread houses
Beautiful Christmas melodies
Sleigh bells ring, the love that mistletoe brings
Celebrating our King of Kings
My love, I am ever thine
Rose buds bloom and rainstorms loom
The promise of a rainbow
Daydreaming in fields filled with Sarayu
This heart is ever true
Ever thine
Rose buds bloom and rainstorms loom
The promise of a rainbow
Daydreaming in fields filled with Sarayu
This heart is ever true
Ever thine
Ever mine
Ever ours
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