Bible verse Psalm 41
Write a psalm of lament... an honest prayer. Simply tell God how you feel.
Heavenly Father, there are moments of pure joy and content,
but I walk in wonder and don't know how to feel. I yearn for your fire and passion. Fire fall down and tower over me. I desire to be desired and have the heart of a young woman designed to be captivating. You fulfill me and give me worth, help me spread love and inspiration to those in the dark. Make me fruitful today and for always. Amen.
On another note, I've become such a fan of Zooey Deschanel especially since seeing her in the movie 500 Days of Summer which was really really good! So clever, funny, and creative. Zooey Deschanel has such a quirky, loveliness about her that is so charming in her movies. She doesn't try to be something she's not, she stays true to herself. She also has a great sense of humor, a wonderful voice, and she's gorgeous. She's now on my list of actresses I look up to.

Zooey is one of our fav's. She's so cute too!