Saturday, February 13, 2010

Your Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day.

So I saw the movie "Valentine's Day" with my mom on Friday and learned how this day got it's title. Caesar wanted men to focus on war so he banned marriage, but Saint Valentine was a romantic and believed in love. He would secretly marry couples who were in love. Also, on this day Valentine sent a letter to a woman that saying something along the lines of "I will love you forever, love your Valentine". Thus why we call this day Valentine's day.

My Valentine's days in the past have been quite out of the ordinary, and never turn out as I thought they would. Usually I find myself doing something very random, or some kind of stereotypical girl thing such as a burn party (that went wrong), ice cream and sappy movies, etc. But nevertheless I still love this day. It hasn't given me exactly what I want, but it's been pretty good to me. ha. I have some very fond memories of how I spent my funny valentine's day, and I know I have many more ahead of me. It's part of the fun not knowing how this day is going to turn out.

Hope you all feel loved today. I know I do.

Mucho mucho love.

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