Monday, March 9, 2009

Buds Start To Bloom


So I've been pursuing acting for a yr and a half now, since my freshmen yr of college. And flowers are starting to bloom. Last semester I did a showcase in LA for agents and managers to see talent, then I auditioned for one of the agents that was interested in me, then I took an acting class, and today I went back to meet with that same agent. On the way to Santa Monica, I was on the freeway.. blasting music, singing passionately, then out of nowhere I see a tire flying towards me!! I didn't have time to react at all.. my car ran over it, which must've been hard on my car, then I looked in my rearview mirror and the tire hit the front of the car behind me and shattered that person's windshield. I was mortified. But I just took deep breaths... calmed myself down. And reached my destination safely. Thank the Lord.
So I get to the agency early... the assistant tells me I could go chill at a coffee bean around the corner. I got an iced tea, chilled, then drove back over. I was given a commercial copy, 10-15 mins to kinda read through it, then went in to see the agent. It's intimidating going in at first because he doesn't say a word to me before I start.. he just wants me to go, and I want to chat a bit cause I'm nervous. haha. So I read through it a few times, he tells me certain adjustments to make. The last time was a good read through, he liked it. So all was well. Then we got to talking about what's next for me and what to expect. He decided to represent me! We talked more about what the future will look like, it was such a great talk, I'm very excited and hopeful. It was so surreal to be signing the contracts. Like a weight was being lifted. I did it, and all on my own.. well not completely on my own. God has a part in every step we take. Part of me was doubtful that I'd ever get this far even, but I did and it's such a blessing. I hope God will guide me in this adventure and reassure me that this is right for me to see where this could lead.
The only thing that was a downer is that I'll have to spend most of the summer in California, which is kinda disappointing because I want to be with my family and see friends. But I'm sure it'll be just fine, I'll have my own place by then, family and friends can come stay with me if they want, and I can stay part of the time with a friend who lives near LA. Oh and I really need to figure out a way to pay for some necessities like new headshots, an acting class for film/tv auditions... I'm hoping to get a part time job here soon. Or maybe I'll be able to figure out another way in the mean time. Hopefully that works out.

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