Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Wish I Could Save You


Just watched this and it was deeply saddening but incredibly moving and beautiful too. Haiti has my prayers. It's unreal to see a world so different from my own and the devastation that is unimaginable for us. Christ followers there, even after this tragedy and destruction, they maintain great faith and praise God. A pastor who's church was destroyed and his people caught in the rubble, including his wife, yells with agony crying out to God, but still ends with the word "hallelujah". It brought me to tears.

At the end of the video the pastor of Mars Hill church calls out the church members for not having a more active role. Not only elsewhere but even in their own church. We have all these resources at our fingertips, not only tangible resources, and we do not give. I felt for him as you could see the overwhelming emotions in his face. His disappointment. Sorrow. Urgency. DO SOMETHING. He yelled. It woke me up. I'm someone who has not be doing enough. I prayed.... "I'm sorry". Tears. Amen.


  1. I watched that yesterday, so sad. Mark Driscoll really digs putting the "shock value" into his sermons.

    What are you going to do to help?

  2. Just become more involved in active in general. I want to be able to donate money to churches that have impacted me and regularly feed me. And join organizations that help others around the world. Just whatever I can do.
