For those of us who are in our 20's this time in our lives is crucial, exhausting, exciting, and can determine our futures. And not only can it determine what we'll do with our lives, but it is when we discover who we truly are. I've discovered a lot about myself over the past two years from little things to the big things. I am proud of the woman I am and have yet to become. Part of our lives right now is having fun, experiencing things, relationships, finding our passions and going after them, and the other part is learning to take care of ourselves, preparing for the start of our careers, and discovering who we want to spend our lives with. It's all quite overwhelming, but mostly in a good way. This wednesday in my film class two of the writers from the show The Simpsons came to speak to our class. It was amazing seeing all they had done and hearing about how they thought it'd be impossible to go into the field they thought was so unattainable. Basically what they were telling us is to get out there and get whatever experience you can, life experience is valuable for any pathway you end up taking, and you never know what you can accomplish till you say what the hell and leap for it! I have people constantly asking me "what are you going to do with your life?", "what career?", "are you worried about being successful?" and much more, but you know, no one has the answers and knows exactly where they'll end up. Dreams and goals are so important to have, but a dream can lead to another dream then to another. So i'll just keep dreaming, chasing, and see where I end up. I have faith that I'm being watched over and will end up exactly where I'm supposed to be.
It's so full of change
Think that you've worked it out
Right out of the blue
Something happens to you
To throw you off course
And then you
Yeah you breakdown
Well don't you breakdown
Listen to me
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
No need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up
Sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
Don't be scared
Don't hide your eyes
It may feel so real inside
But don't forget it's just a ride
Truth, we don't wanna hear
It's too much to take
Don't like to feel out of control
So we make our plans
Ten times a day
And when they don't go
Our way we
Yeah we breakdown
Well don't you breakdown
Listen to me
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
No need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up
Sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
Don't be scared
Don't hide your eyes
It may feel so real inside
But don't forget it's just a ride
Slowly, oh so very slowly
Accept that
There's no getting off
So live it, just gotta go with it
Coz this ride's, never gonna stop

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