Thursday, April 30, 2009

Moving Mountains

The pastor at Newport church gave a really great, inspirational message this last sunday. He talked about how the first thing God said to Adam and Eve was "be fruitful and multiply" and how that stands true today, and is relevant in our lives. People wonder why bad things happen. A lot of the time when someone who doesn't believe in God talks to me about the possibility of there being a God, the first thing they ask is "if there is a God, why does he let such horrible things happen?". Bad things happen because this world is not what God intended for us. We desired free will, and we received it. God's will for each and every one of us is to be fruitful- live well, succeed, and be happy. And to multiply- grow and spread that fruitfulness. Sometimes we spiritualize things to try to rationalize it, you'll hear people say "maybe it's God's will that I be poor" or "maybe it's God's will that I have this sickness". It's not! We shouldn't settle for that because it's not God's intention that we do. People today seem to bless things that should be cursed and curse things that should be blessed. We should not accept things that ought not to be. What is to be cursed we need to push out of our lives, and what needs to be blessed we need to hold close. We should be fruitful, expect greatness, and declare it! We can move mountains if we are fruitful.


  1. Jenna,
    1. I think this is a beautiful post. and you are right, people are so quick to pawn good and bad off on God (& other people), they never think to calculate themselves in the situation...
    2. I just wrote a philosophy paper on the problem of evil & if that proves against the existence of God. It was pretty fascinating stuff. And I did a lot of research on it, but honestly..I find it to be much more useful to read and hear what other people think about it, for example, what you have to say here. This is truly moving stuff. You are a wonderful, up-lifting person :)

  2. Thanks Jill :)
    I'd be curious to read your philosophy paper sometime!
