My dad is so funny. When I'm with someone he's very critical and protective but when I'm not with somebody he tries to encourage me to give guys a shot by being open to going on dates or setting me up with guys and planning my next relationship for me. haha. And he tells me what kinda guy he thinks I need to be with. He believes you should be with someone who appreciates your interests/passions but has different passions than you. That you shouldn't go for someone in the same "pool" as you. So is the statement that opposites attract true? I don't know if it stands true when considering extremes, but now I'm starting to see the truth in it. In my dad's opinion he would put me with a "guy's guy" who's very smart, witty, and a high powered business man or doctor. I'm not necessarily looking for that exact fit, because that would be a stretch from what I lean towards- the passionate, artsy, funny, and sensitive type. It's important to have similarities in interests and personality traits, but there needs to be a balance of opposite interests/personality traits so that those two people compliment each other.
Well done daddy with the "boy talk".