Monday, November 1, 2010

Sweet November

Decided I'm going to take a picture at the beginning of every month and write a goal for this month (business/pleasure), an unknown/fun fact about me, and someone I want to see more this month.
1. Buy keyboard and begin composing songs/apply to internships
2. I dream just about every night I sleep, most concerning either adventure or romance... although last night was horror :/
3. Lauren Garvin, I want some much needed sister bonding time which luckily I will get this weekend!!!

Halloween/Hollywood Town

Had a good Halloween with some friends, friends of which I've had for years and friends of which I am just getting better acquainted with. Night consisted of going out to Huntington Beach then Hollywood. Hollywood on Halloween is Hollywood on major steroids (I've never seen so many trannies in my life). Glad to have gotten to experience it, but probably wouldn't spend my Halloween there again. But some of the funniest memories are made in the oddest of places: like having to leave my fake knife behind because I dropped it on the floor in a porter potty on Santa Monica Blvd... and it definitely was not worth it to pick it up. That and the hilarious conversations in the car with music blasting and the wind in my hair.

The holidays are like pins on the roadmap of my life marking great changes. After a holiday I always wonder where I'll be next year on this exact day not to mention who I'll be with, how I'll be feeling, what I'll be doing, and what will have just recently happened to me that has changed who I am since I last time round? I never seem to be exactly where I would've guessed I'd be, but that's part of the journey. The unexpected, and what you make of it.

I wish we could have even more holidays in the year. Holidays give you an escape from real life and the daily grind. We need more excuses to have an escape.