did you know that people remember their dreams because they wake up sometime during their deepest level of sleep. Everyone dreams, but most people don't remember them because they don't wake up at all during the night. Well I always wake up at some point during the night then always go right back to sleep, but that's why I usually can remember my dreams. weird. my roomate brittany told me all this... she always knows those random scientific facts.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Dream Log
So I've officially started keeping a "dream log", so I can write down the dreams I have- my mom suggested it. haha.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
"Live long and prosper"
So a few updates:

1. I went to Venice Beach for the first time today. It's even more of a hippie town than I thought it would be. I saw actual hippies. It was such a fun and funky town, I loved it. Then leslie and I went to the Grove in West Hollywood, which is this adorable shopping center, very upper scale, it's gorgeous. We ate dinner at a little cafe then saw Star Trek which leads to my next update...
2. Star Trek was amazing. Absolutely consuming, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. The cast was perfect, the cinematography and special effects were mind blowing! And plus I just loved the story line. I'm officially a star trek fan. And became even more of a fan of Chris Pine.

3. I have a job interview this Saturday for this summer camp in Orange County where kids shoot, star, and direct their own short films. My job would be to help give them acting techniques and how to shoot their films. I have a lot of experience in acting and quite a bit of knowledge of filming now, so my resume was pretty good.. I'm just sayin. I think this job would be perfect because it's purely for the summer, it's part-time, I think it starts in July, and I'd have a fun time doing the job. We'll see how it goes. I really need a job for July and August while I'm in California.
4. This week is my last week of classes!! then finals week.. not fun. but summer is SO close I absolutely can't wait!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Just Peachy
Some of what I want to do this summer:
In Washington...
1. Weekend camping trip or road trip
2. A day of absolutely nothing but movie marathon
3. Read the whole series of narnia books
4. Dance party
5. Sit in the rain
6. LOTS of mario kart/battle
7. Do devotionals at least every other day
8. Stargaze on the roof
9. Watch the Godfather movies
10. Scrapbook
11. Go slip n sliding
12. Drink sun tea on my balcony with my mom and talk about boys
13. Catch up with friends and just hangout
14. Do something new everyday
15. Play ultimate frisbee or capture the flag
In California...
1. Beach bonfires
2. Go surfing
3. Do devotionals at least every other day
4. Go to a movie premiere in Hollywood
5. Part time job
6. Acting class in LA
7. Go to every beach possible... find cool spots
8. Go to the Ellen Degeneres show
9. Get connected with a life group at Newport Church
10. Try to get into the Standard Hotel's rooftop lounge
11. Decorate my new house
12. Hike the Hollywood hills trail
13. Do yoga and meditate
14. Go in every antique shop in Orange
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Summer Just Around The Corner

So I think I've figured out my summer plans. I have finals May 18th-22nd. So I'm planning on flying home May 23rd, then flying back to California July 5th. I just told my agent today my plan, so we'll see what he thinks. My headshots are in the process of getting all set up. I already shot them a few weeks ago, it was so fun!! My photographer Greg Crowder was wonderful to work with, he gave great direction, had me do tons of different outfits/ hair styles, and he shot on location. I loved going to different locations in LA, gave the headshots more of a kick and personality to them. Although it was sort of sad at one point we were shooting at this park.. and there was a homeless man curled up in his sleeping bag right there on the ground next to us.
I'm looking for a part time job to have to come back to when I'm back in California for July and August. The two jobs on campus that I applied for fell through, so now it's either working for my dad's cousin's company, the movie theater (which I think would be fun), or nannying. So we'll see. I just pray I can find something.. cause I'll need the money if I want to be in Cali for the summer. I'm still a little uneasy about living in the house in Orange by myself.. so hopefully my family can come visit in intervals haha. or friends. and I might stay at my friend Brooke's house in Redondo Beach from time to time. It's closer to LA anyways. I'll be able to go on commercial auditions right away this summer, but I'm gonna take this acting class before going on TV and film auditions, those are more of a make or break it type of thing. so I need to be prepared. Pursuing acting has been an adventure so far and continues to be an unpredictable journey. You never know where life will take you, you might as well enjoy the ride and not get down when things don't turn out the way you planned because what's the fun in that? God opens doors and closes them. I'm just following the open doors so far. so we'll see.
"Welcome to LA. Welcome to the party."
- movie "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", Robert Downey Jr.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Green Tea/Chai Tea madness

Matcha Green Tea Blast from Jamba Juice. It's SO freaking delicious. I just got it for lunch today. I'm very addicted.

Iced green tea from Starbucks. SO good. I always have to get refills.

Chai Tea Luna bars. VERY yummy.

Iced Chai Tea latte from Starbucks. One of my all time favorite drinks.

Vanilla Chai Tea protein drink. It's a new addiction this year. I try to not drink this all in one day when I get it, but that can be VERY difficult sometimes.
Yup, this is the stuff I drink/eat... I've noticed a definite trend. Well what can I say.. the heart wants what the heart wants.
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